The Struggle is Real.

Something has been on my mind the last few days. It's what I like to call the "Struggle". 
From time to time I get off track. When I get off track the world starts to get to me. I don't think I have to elaborate too much but I can give you some examples of how it started. 
Example one: A family member is pregnant, which is wonderful and such a blessing, except to them. They have two small children already and the youngest is not yet a year old. So that leads us to this couple, married and such, complaining, yes complaining about being pregnant and not wanting so many children and the children being so close in age and so forth. 
Let me tell you, it's hard. It's extremely hard. You know so as well. People taking for granted and complaining about one of the biggest blessing God can bestow upon them. It's hard not to let your flesh take over and then for you to be overcome and overrun by emotions. Since reading the article I posted I have been very careful not to let these things get to me. So very careful. But this complied onto many other things have led to me searching for God and trying to find peace in Him. 
Example two: I recently started to read the Left Behind series. I've always wanted to and now I've borrowed the whole series and I am half-way done with the first book. In this book it talks about a girl and her sister works for an abortion clinic. We won't get too far into this subject because I know this is a toughie as well. But it's the same principal. Unwanted children. Unwanted gifts. Unwanted blessings. Unwanted when so many want. 
This is where my title comes in. 
The struggle is real. Don't let them tell you different. Some people, even Christians, will wave a hand in dismissal of your pain because they know not. They know not the struggle is real and nearly everyday you have to fight to keep a composure. 
I'm not saying I would ever be a better mother than So-and-so or that I could raise children better than Whats-her-name. 
All I'm saying is the struggle is real and God has His hand on you. He knows the burden you bear. He knows the pain you feel. He offers a way out of all that. He offers you peace. 
I've started to pray for those people. For God to reveal to them the very precious duties He has appointed them. I have also started to pray that God help me fix my eyes on Him and carry the cross He has appointed me. If it be that I never bear children, then so be it. It will be perfect because it is His will. 


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