
Today I needed a little more encouragement than usual. I thought I would share what I found with you. 

"He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls." Proverbs 25:28

It's true. I read this yesterday and I chewed on it for a while. What does ruling your spirit means?
I believe it goes along with my last post of guarding your heart. I'll give you a little more insight of my life to maybe help. 
I'm a redhead. Yup. Full blown ginger with green eyes. Nearly everyone will say the usual, 'bad tempers' and 'bad attitudes'. In reality, I've calmed down quite a bit in life and cut me some slack I have the odds against me. :) 
It's very easy for me to get carried away with, well, anything. Although my temper isn't flaming hot all the time, its easy when something does make me mad to dwell on it. At this point many things make a situation worse and very few make it right. 
Should I let things get me this angry? No. 
Should I be this emotional when I see a baby? No.
Maybe you disagree, but allow me to further explain. Both situations have something in common. Emotion. As women, we have plenty of it. God made us this way. But He also warns us. 
In the Proverbs verse above, it's crucial for us to control ourselves. If we don't we are broken down and unprotected for any storm or enemy that comes our way. We become vulnerable by our own doing. It's like a snowball effect. You start out with a heart ache because you heard so-and-so had a baby. Then you get on Facebook and see him-and-her announce they're expecting and you're happy for them (maybe) but upset. Through the grape vine, you find out that one couple is due in April and invited you to the baby shower. While at the shower a close family member asks you, 'So...when are you going to have kids?' This is the final straw. You've been holding in all day with all this news and you need to release. So you break down. I know because I've been there. I'm there right now. So what do you do? You cry it out a bit and lick your wounds from this point. 
So what should you do next time? Give it over to God and control your spirit. If from the very first bit of news, your spirit was controlled all the rest of the events you could have brushed off and not even worry about. But since we tend to dwell on what we so deeply desire, it's easy to get caught up in the emotions. And us women love our emotions. I'm not writing any of this to judge you. I'm here to help. Whether you believe it or not, none of this occurred to me until I wrote it all out for you. I know I have many areas to work on and by the grace of God, His hand can get it done. 
Be blessed. 


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