
My Dearest Barren,

Do you know what I find interesting? We have a God so big, powerful, and wonderful that He promises to be there in our time of need. I've been in a lot of prayer lately. (I really do love it.) If only I could come to the throne for the sake of coming to the throne instead of needing to come to the throne. Am I making sense? Do you understand what I mean? I'm praying more because of simple circumstance; although my prayers are still sincere and my heart is truly in them. I can't help but to think, why haven't I done this more out of basic desire to communicate with my God?
What started this whole process of questioning was a verse in Hebrews.

"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in of need." 
Hebrews 4:16 
 You see, I have been "judging" and berating myself for praying in circumstance when really God wants us to come to Him in our times of need.
This is my time of need. Not only have worldly struggles hit us full force but also tender and emotional struggles are raging. It's like having an earthquake with a hurricane, living in the land-locked mid-west we have ZERO percent of those happening at once. Yet these circumstances have my head spinning and my prayers are reaching for God as my anchor. I am thankful we have a God who promises to be a constant presence for those who ask.
God wants us when we NEED Him the most. Not only does He want us, He wants us to come boldly to His throne. I want to encourage you. We think we are weak because we need help. We are not. We are relying and calling out to our God to make good His promise. My instinct is to hole up under the covers and lick my wounds when I'm in need. I don't suggest this as it has caused much heartache. As I strive to improve my Christian walk I realized it would much simpler, healthier, and wiser to lay all before the throne in my time of need. I pray for you; that you be encouraged by this, and to come to the throne in your time of need.



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