Letting Go.

Something I have been thinking about lately is letting go. I'm sure you have heard the phrase, "Let go and let God."
Yeah, it's a little easier said than done. 
One of my struggles have been letting go. Letting go of dreams I've conjured in my past, of control I think I have, and things I want. 
Let me give you a some insight to my struggle. I have yet to carry a child full term and as of presently, children may never be in my future. Now for me that's a tough pill to swallow. I'm very hard-headed when it comes to things I want. I set my mind to it, well that's pretty much the end of it. I believe God is using this part of me, to either mold me or show me, I'm not sure which. But I know God has a plan for me. It's greater than the things of earth I desire. I know this to be true, for His ways are higher than mine and His thoughts are higher than mine. 
As I mentioned before, I have always want children, to be a good mother and to spend most of my married life raising children in God's word. For years I've convinced myself that my dream would happen some day. Some day isn't in the calendar, unfortunately and won't ever arrive. At first I was upset, think about your dreams and think about how tangible their are. Now, make them disappear, from your mind, your heart and your head. But I'm not anymore, because I've let go. 
Sometimes we think by holding on to something we're strong. But it's letting go after we've grasped something for so long that makes us strong. 
To be honest I was afraid to let go. I know the Good Lord has a plan greater than mine, but it was my dream. What happens if I let go of it? Do you know what happened?
God opened my eyes. I've made many decisions in my life based of the hopes of having children. It sounds ridiculous now as I'm typing it. But I have. From my vehicle, my job, to the location of my house and finances. I have always held back to plan for children. I realize now;I was holding back much more. I was holding back things from my husband that he deserves because he works so hard on the slim account we would have children and would need this, that or the other. It's crazy! No wonder God has His hand in this. I would end up burning the house and running my husband out, all for the "greater good". Lord help me. 
I've come to peace after letting go. I'm not pressured and stressed as I used to be. I feel light as if I could fly. It's amazing what God can do if we simply let go and let Him.


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