
My dearest Barren,

I want to write about our struggles humbly. There are many struggles with being barren and even among ourselves we bicker who has the biggest burden. We divide ourselves by which side of the fence we reside on; those who can conceive but struggled to do so and those who have yet to conceive.
All struggle is equal. 
Now you may argue and point fingers at the other side but let me assure you, she feels the same pain you do. It hurts her to see that newborn baby as it does you. It wretches her heart strings to witness children mistreated and ignored.
Some of you barren have visited both sides of the fence as I have. I have a toddler and 4 heaven babies; one that is from this year. It is just as hard to question why you are barren with negative tests every month as when you do have a child blessing but may never have another. When all the questions of why are fixed medically, but God has different plans for your womb. Trusting God seems so hard at this point because there is no other finger to point. It's no longer your doctor, your medicine, or your spouse. It's truly and simply God's will. 
Let us not be disjointed but united by our struggle as barren with each and God. 
Today my verse is Galatians 5:22-23
           "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such thing there is no law. "
One a good day I can check off 3 right away. On a bad day 1. Even on a good day I fall so very short. How do you measure up? I challenge you, my dearest barren, to strive toward the fruits of the Spirit and live within God's word for this week. Maybe keep a short journal on what your goal is and how to achieve it. Keep yourself in check. I'll do the same.



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