
Today's post is about people's ignorance.
Yes I said it.
Most people speak without thinking. I'm guilty of this as well but by God's grace I'm learning discernment.
It's easy to take an innocent comment as hurtful words. Our jobs as Christian women, barren or struggling, is to show those people who offend us grace & forgiveness.
A prime example: Sunday at church I held my nephew. Nearly a year old he weighs close to 30lbs! As we took a song intermission to shake hands a sweet lady behind me says, 'He's heavy. It's good practice for you to strengthen your arms.' I smiled gently and replied, 'Yes he is.' I turned back around to continue singing.
I checked my attitude then thanked God for church, His grace, the worship and for all the little ones He's place in my life to love. I didn't let an innocent comment ruin my day, send me on a downward spiral, ruin my attitude and most importantly let it ruin my worship. I didn't want something to come between God & I. I was there for Him. I set my focus back on God & counted my blessings.
But people speak without knowing our situation. Most of them don't think there is anything wrong with us, because its not an ailment they can see.
That day I realized I needed forgiveness for the snarky comment waiting in my mind. I also realized, I need to be more Christ like and forgive others as He's forgiven me. To show others the grace that God shows to all of us.
It's not easy being a woman of our caliber, but God chose us for a reason. Any similar situation as mine can be turned around to give God the glory He deserves and further more help us grow as Christians.

So I challenge you to do the same. Take these awkward situations and belittling comments then keep a right heart and right spirit.


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