
Embracing. What do you think of when you hear the word? Most of us think of the physical touch, type of embrace. 
The next stage of a barren fruit is embracing, which is only fulfilled by letting go and letting God. Only once you've learned to let go may you learn to embrace.
Embracing can be just as intimidating as letting go. Since God's plans are greater than ours, embracing His plan may make you shake in your boots. What is expected of you is suddenly larger than you believe you can conquer. 
Don't be afraid to embrace God's will in your life. In the bible the words, "don't be afraid," appears 365 times. God is literally giving us the power to be FEARLESS every day of the year. We should live fearless. We have the Almighty on our side and the Holy Spirit living inside each of us believers. There is no reason to fear. 
Sometimes we let the world's fear control us. The fear of rejection, the fear of isolation and the fear of abandonment. Focus on God and what His will is for you.
If you listen to what God is telling you, He won't steer you wrong. God is the light in the cruel world. 
Now there is discernment to be used. Not discernment from what God is telling you but discernment in what God's voice sounds like to you. There are many snares set before our feet dear Christians and our job is to be wise in where we place our feet. The only way to know God's voice is by reading in His word, meditating and praying. Then we may find God's will for each of us and embrace it wholeheartedly. 


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