
"From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: Lead me to the rock that is higher than I."
Psalm 61:2 

My Dearest Barren,

We're going to talk about lifting our eyes higher. Our precious Savior and Lord is much higher than ourselves. This seems obvious but I often times wonder whether we forget this fact. Since Jesus is so accessible to us; do we forget that His ways are higher than ours? Or perhaps we put Him in a box because we take Him for granted? 
This verse has been on my heart for about a week.
David uses Psalms to express his frustration, fear, and sadness to the Lord. (Can you imagine hand writing a letter to God every time you were upset? Talk about faith to be so unabashed and lay all of your heart out for the Lord.)
I want to focus on the latter part of this scripture, highlighted above.  Even though David is troubled by the events going on, he still asks for God's guidance and seeks the Lord's consul to lift him above the situations. It's a prime example of where our focus should be when we are hurt and troubled ourselves. The rock which is our salvation will care for us and rise us above the woes of life. We all have plenty of woes. Us, Barren, have different woes than many that surround us. We know what David is going through because we have all cried out to the Lord in many of the same ways David has. Our hearts are all too often overwhelmed by our Barren Burden. Even with my toddler, struggling to conceive then keep a pregnancy, I understand the Barren Burden and you are not alone. But the Lord promises to be our rock. He promises to lift us higher as long as we trust in Him and His will for our lives. We should lift our eyes to the Rock that is higher than ourselves.



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