
My Dearest Barren,

I have a friend who has a total of seven children. Her first was a still born. In 2018, seven children is extremely high unless you're Amish or part of some weird cult. (She belongs to neither by the way.) You know what? My friend doesn't care. She had the same joy with the first as she did with the seventh. She doesn't plan on stopping either. Her goal is to bear as many children as God gives her, regardless.
Ever talk to women in their '80's who had thirteen children or the WWII vet coming from a family of ten? It was a different world back then. Back when they just made do with what they had. A simple life. A life to a degree without fear. They didn't care what others thought about a large family because it was no one else's business. (Minus the fact of modern science and the conveniences we have available now; planned parenting and such.) Plus many of them were from or having large families themselves.
Despite all of our modern advances, the majority of us live in fear. A fear of what others say. A fear of what we will do with another mouth to feed. A fear of finance. A fear of losing everything. A fear of a failing family. My friend has cast her fear aside and learned to trust in God. She believes if we trust God, as a Christian, for eternal life; why shouldn't we trust Him with the size of our families as well? We shouldn't limit ourselves and God because of our fear, especially in this temporary world.
The most amazing part of her testimony, God has blessed her family. Every time she honors God by bearing another child, her husband get a raise and he is the only source of income.
When we obey God and His requests, He provides the rest. He won't hold back blessings.
Now I can imagine what you're thinking. What does ANY of this have to do with being Barren since this woman clearly isn't Barren?
Well Beloved, the answer is simple. The same principle applies to us. We should not live in fear because we are Barren. We shouldn't fear if we remain infertile. Because we have God in us through the Holy Spirit we should seek ways to honor God with our Barren cross. What if God is laying on your heart to adopt children but you so desire to bear your own and deny God's request. You will miss a blessing in store for you. My desire for all Barren is for us to find God's holy will in our lives and become closer to Him. As always I don't bring up certain topics to hurt you, only to help you grow in your walk with God. I'll leave you with this last bit and some scripture.
Oh the disciples in the boat with the contrary wind, what fear they must've had.

For they all saw him, and were troubled. And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: It is I; be not afraid.
Mark 6:50 


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