
My Dearest Barren,

I have something interesting to share with you. Today while reading my Scripture, this verse came up:

And He spoke a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always pray, and not to faint;
Luke  18: 1 
What is so interesting you may ask? This same verse appeared the other day. By random selection and all the math formulas in the world, the same verse should never be selected especially within the time frame of one week. Is this a coincidental? I do not believe so. I believe the good Lord is trying to reach me. It's true my Christian struggle is praying. I know I do not pray enough. I will heed this "sign" and spend more time in pray. We all should strive to pray and not to faint. I challenge you my dearest Barren to pray just one more prayer today. I won't bother to point out it could save your sanity during the holidays while all those awkward and hurtful subjects come into the light. Maybe turn it over to the Light in prayer and rest in His grace and love.



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