My Dearest Barren,

This is the day you have either been dreading or looking forward to. October 15th. It's on a Sunday this year. I am thankful for that. It means I cannot wallow in my grief all day. It means I have to rely on the Lord's strength for this day. This day every hard. It opens scars that have healed.
Infant and Pregnancy Loss Day.
It's greatly overshadowed by many things in the month of October; bow season, football, Breast Cancer Awareness, and I'm sure I'm missing some others. Those of us who know, know. It's a special day for us. A day we can uplift each other Barren in sisterly love. A day we can choose to support another woman in grief instead of focusing on our own. Each Barren story is uniquely yours but God has given you that story for a reason, who knows maybe many reasons. I do know that God wants your love, praise from you, and for us to show one another love as we love ourselves.
I challenge you my dearest to hand over your pain to the good Lord and embrace another hurting earthly mother of heaven babies. Let them know while you can relate to their pain, their story is their own, and pray with them. I promise to do the same. I have something special to post on social media for the day which is so close to my heart. I'll post it here once I've decided how to write it out.
The best thing about us, Barren, is the good Lord doesn't ask us to journey alone. He offers to hold us and use His infinite strength to conquer the trials of this life.



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